Welcome to SBIT Library
Library is an integral part of the Institution and imparting its services to students, faculty members and other staff members. SBIT Library is having a huge collection of books on engineering, science, technology, management and humanities. The SBIT Library has planned to digitize all in house resources and knowledge generated by the faculty, student of SBIT. After digitization of these resources, accessibility will be provided through Intranet or Internet. It offers library services through its various divisions.
Library Catalogue (OPAC):
The library offers computerized catalogue search services through the OPAC. The bibliographic record consisting of more than 31000 books in various disciplines, 600 CD ROMS is available in the SBIT Library. Sufficient number of computers are placed in the user area for the students and faculty to access the OPAC.
Circulation System:
The Library has been using advanced Library Software which offers issue, reserve and return service to its user. Users can get issued the required books by their self in the presence of counter staff. Library is also facilitating user to reserve any book, which is already issued to someone, that book will not be re-issued to him. The book will be kept for user for one week at reserve counter, if one fails to collect with in the stipulated period; the same will be shelved in the respective place and reservation stands cancelled.
Reference Service:
Reference staff is also available in the reading room to suggest sources of information and to assist in locating the required material. One copy of each title is kept in reserved section for the reference to users with in the library use only. These books can be issued over night only in case of emergency. The total collection of reference section is more than 3500 books.
Inter-library loan:
The SBIT Library offers inter-library loan service to its users for the books and periodicals not available in the SBIT Library by procuring them from other libraries. The SBIT library has membership of DELNET and having agreement with to share the resources among member libraries which includes lending its resources to the other libraries.
Print journals:
Library has been subscribing a lot of good journals in the field of science, engineering, technology, management and humanities. All latest journals can be referred with in the library for one month, after that the journals have been sent to related department for six month and later on the same got bound year wise. Beside the current journals, library has a rich collection of bound journals.
Book Bank facility:
SBIT Library has Book Bank having various text books Title. The books from Book Bank are issued to the students for one complete semester.
Question Paper Bank:
SBIT Library has Question Paper Bank having old question papers of M.Tech, B.Tech, MBA, MCA, BBA, BCA& BHM courses for the reference.
Current Awareness Service (CAS):
To update our users, library displays a list of Current Addition in the library i.e. books, periodicals, newspapers & magazines etc. Library also provides the newspaper clippings service to keep in mind the interest and demand of users.
Users Assistance:
All members of the library team are available for any assistance user may need in using the library resources, facilities and services. Users are also welcome to offer your suggestions about the same.
Layout Plan:
A layout plan prepared for the help of library users to find the right location of section and placement of books and resources is available in the library.
Recommend a Book:
All members of the library who wish to add any document i.e. book, journals, newspaper and magazines etc. in the library, may submit their requisition through their respective HOD’s. Recommendation form may be collected personally.
Library Time:
The library facility is available for the students & faculty of the institute from 9.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. on all working days. It is being planned to extend the library timings for the convenience of the users.