Shri Balwant Award for Excellence and Innovation
We are proud to announce our annual award for the engineering students for 2025 – Shri Balwant Award for Excellence and Innovation (SBAEI)
About the Award
Shri Balwant Award for Excellence and Innovation is an annual award given to Undergraduate students in field of engineering. This award is given at a ceremony organized at Shri Balwant Institute of Technology (SBIT) campus, generally in the first week of March every year. Award takes into consideration 3 most important aspects of the innovation uniqueness of the innovation, financial viability and usage for common man.
The Award
Award carries a cash prize of Rs 21000 and a certificate. Award winner will be honored at an awards ceremony in SBIT campus on 6 March 2025
Innovations should break with conventional processes and should go far beyond marginal improvements in existing products and services.
We’re looking for technological breakthroughs in such areas as Computer Science, Information Technology, Electronics & Communication and Mechanical Engineering. But our competition is not limited to those areas. If your innovation involves any kind of technology, we’re interested in hearing about it. Students can also take the existing innovation and add their own thoughts in it to make it commercially viable and practical for common man usage.
Students of Engineering & Technology from any branch of Institutes recognized by AICTE, UGC, Board of Technical Education, IIT’s, NIT’s, IIIT’s are eligible to participate. Max of 2 students can submit one application.
Selection Process
SBIT will follow 3 step process to select the winner
Step 1: Assess all the applications and then forward the most promising ones to an independent panel of judges. Judges will select the applications based on the following criterion:
- Whether the innovations contained in the application are expressed clearly and comprehensively
- Whether an innovation represents a breakthrough from conventional innovations or methods in its field
- Whether it goes beyond incremental improvements on technologies that already exist
- Whether the innovation actually does what its developer claims it’s supposed to do
- Financial viability of the innovation.
- Usage for the common man.
Step 2: AssessApplicants selected from step 1 will be invited to give the presentation in front of panel of judges at SBIT campus. Each applicant will be given 45 min for the presentation (30 min for the presentation & 15 min for Q & A) where he/she must clearly explain their innovation and defend the uniqueness of the innovation, its financial viability and usage for common man. Applicants must bring all the supporting documents, software, code, circuit, model etc to present the innovation in the best possible way.
Step 3: Assess Applicants selected from step 2 will be invited to give the presentation in front of panel of judges at SBIT campus. Each applicant will be given 60 min for the presentation (45 min for the presentation & 15 min for Q & A)
Important Dates
Application Submission: 15 February 2025
Presentation: 24-25 February 2025
Final Presentation: 6 March 2025
How to Apply
- Download the application form from
- Complete the application form and submit along with the complete innovation document. including results, tables, figures and references by email to and by speed post. It is mandatory to submit the document by speed post.
- The subject line of email should read SBAEI-2025-<your full name>-<college name>
- Only one document should be attached to one email. For those sending more than one document, it should be sent as separate emails. Paper should be submitted in MS Word or PDF format only.
- We don’t require supporting documents, but please feel free to send them if they’ll help explain your innovation or bolster your claims.
- Do NOT make unsubstantiated claims in your application. You need to be able to convince panel of judges that your innovation works like you say it does
- Document should be strictly in IEEE format only.
- Limited lodging/ boarding is available in Institute. The candidate/ sponsoring Institute and Organization shall bear TA/DA for presenting the innovation.
Click here to download the Application Form
Address for Correspondence
Convener, Shri Balwant Award for Excellence and Innovation (SBAEI-2025)
Shri Balwant Institute of Technology (SBIT)
Meerut Road (Pallri), NH-334B, Sonepat (NCR Delhi) – 131023,
Haryana, India Mobile : +91 9996316282
E-mail :, | Website :